Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Million Dollar Baby (found in my cluttered drafts)

Whoever is a celebrity baby must feel cursed. Sure, you get fame and money that every common person craves. Nevertheless, you are monitored, quite like Big Brother. Every move that you make, the public knows. Every mistake you make, will be blown out of proportion, and you will make it on the gossip mags for a day. Every time you go out, cameras will monitor you. Everyone you meet, may seem like your friend...but they might not be a real friend.
I often wonder about these poor human beings, what a burden they carry. The public is always watching. They hardly get a time of privacy to themselves.
The worst part? It wasn't their choice. Their parents just happened to be very famous, and they happened to be very famous babies, their baby picture on every stupid magizine on the market when they were born.
The pressure they face...I'm very thankful to be a common person. I can walk outside, and no one notices. I can walk into a store, and no one cares, unless you buy something. I can have real friends. I have a wonderful family, not torn apart by scandal and fame. I'm very thankful for not being a million dollar baby.

1 comment:

Joslynn said...

Me too.
I quite enjoy being myself.
And that's all I have to say about that.