Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I've seen almost no students dressed up.
Professor Kesner, on the other hand...
Dressed up. Along with a bunch of other teachers I saw.


Brittany said...

Hey! I took that picture! Awesome!
I love professor Kesner. She gave me a tootsie roll from a black cauldron she was carrying.

Brittany said...

Oh, and let's not forget the shuttle drivers, eh?

"Where's the camera you take all these pictures with?"
"I'm not telling you!"
(Brittany opens the first drawer she sees...)
(mild chuckling ensues)

anna jo said...

you should have come up to the annex... the continueing ed department was having quite a party! (sadly, youth ed did not win for the best office decorations... we went as "the office" (I had to be kelly, which I am slightly bitter about because our pam didn't even show up until the end of the stupid party! I could've done a good pam) but were sadly beat out by the DESC team who were the rappers of the late eighty's (you know, flava flave, salt 'n peppa, etc) it was still a pretty rockin' halloween party, though. more people should dress up in the school and/or workplace for this holiday. it would make life more fun.

Anonymous said...

We are having discussions about who the top picture is. Dad says its a boy neck and Mom says it Nat's hand but not her eyes.