Saturday, October 20, 2007

Thoughts while driving in a snowstorm five minutes ago maybe I'll turn these thoughts into some kind of literature.

Lightning loves Snow.
Snow makes everything white and pure.
Come night, come white.
Snow accomplishes what lightning cannot.
It makes everything innocent and pure
Lightning strikes, making the world white
but for
an instant.
Hearts tremble, eyes startle,
then the wrath is gone.
The snow lovingly bundles us in a blanket.
They say that white is pure and innocent.
But is it?
Snow is white.
Lightning flashes, and the falling snow turns black.
While driving in snowstorms, my car is a spaceship, and the flakes are stars.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hum, you told me not to look for hidden meanings but to just enjoy the feeling a poem gives you. Thanks a bunch, I like lightening and thunder. They make me feel how the earth moves and the mighty force that man does not make. I like snow as long as I am not driving in it. I like to ski on it and look at it, its never been much of a blanket for me but my perennials think its a blanket. They like it and in the spring they throw it off and say "thanks so much for the protection and now you'll see my beauty"