Thursday, October 18, 2007

Leave it to...

Leave it to the swimmer girls to notice that many of us have strange eyebrows... lacking them, to be specific.
Some girls are so bad, that they look like cancer patients.
We then inspected our arms, and the hair is very short and fine, if we have any. Many lucky girls lack leg hair (we don't shave!). The "gob" of short ends that sticks out from the bottom of our caps is gone. Very short. Buzz-cut short.
Now, you may ask the question. Why? What happened? I'll tell you.

Chlorine. The chlorine here is so strong, my skin is constantly chafed, all the time, and eyebrows seem to be gone. Faded, and very thin, but dispersed. Burning chlorine...hmmm...maybe I'll write a poem about that.

When you see all the swimmers here during practice, with their caps on, no wonder why we look like cancer patients.


Letty said... really are unique! I'm sure you can find some eyebrow pencil for that...:0)

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha!

Anonymous said...

I think one of the uglest thing girls do is pluck their eyebrows out and draw new ones. They look so bad. I think no eyebrows would look better. I haven't noticed your eyebrows at all, or lack of them