Sunday, October 28, 2007


I had a swim meet in Denver. Coach made us ride a bus there and back.
Let's just say that they played only two PG-13 movies, and the rest were rated "R."
Let's just say from my ocassional glances up that they're rated R because people who make movies assume that the general public is outrageously stupid. "You're too stupid to infer what happens, so let us show you every single gory detail." Obviously stupid movies are made for stupid people. What does that make the major population of the swim team? I'll let you decide that for yourself. I don't think you're stupid, you can figure it out. :)

Aside from the rotten 16+hours on the bus, the trip was swell.
At the pool, the blocks were so slippery, that I succeeded in belly-flopping for a couple of races. Gee, how embarrassing! I still did purty well.


Tanner's Tales said...

I love the picture behind you in your new heading picture. Good job at your meet!

Lauren said...

Heck yes you did "purty well!" You led the girls team, for crying out loud!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I read the results! Congrats on a great first away meet!