Thursday, September 13, 2007


What on earth have I gotten myself into?

We had a short team meeting today, discussing the expectations of us during the recruiting trip.
Then we had to go run. When you're finished running, you immediately go into jumping jacks, until everyone is finished running and also doing jumping jacks.
According to coach, we didn't do jumping jacks properly, and we weren't serious enough at practice. After lecturing us on how we have to raise the bar, that details really count especially when you're tired, he told us to do jumping jacks again. I thought that I'd be okay, but I didn't know he'd have us doing hard dryland for a half-hour, including push-ups on his command. Which means you're up for about 20 seconds, down for about 10-20 seconds. Someone dropped a knee, so we had to start all over again. Then again. Then we did jumping jacks, then down on the ground AGAIN. By this time, everyone's shaking and whimpering and some people were even sobbing. When we finally finished those push-ups, I swear I wanted to die. Despite all the turds left from aerating, the grass was so warm, so soft, and it felt good just to collapse, to give up...
But a tall Russian swimmer yanked me by the arm and pulled me up. "You can do it, you're doing great! Keep going!" And I continue with the jumping jacks. He kind of surprised me. He's very aloof, does his own thing, and never talks to anyone. He practically saved me today, and I will always be grateful for that.

When I wanted to give up, the quiet one kept me going.


Tanner's Tales said...

You are so tuff! I don't think I could do one of those push-ups on a good day!

Anonymous said...

Good thing we had detente! (google it). What are you doing up so late, anyway, young lady?

Joslynn said...

Hooray for Russians!
(Oh man! That sounds really terrible. You know what I mean.)