Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Leapin Coaches!

Warning: I'm diverging "confidential" information. A captain told us all not to say anything about tonight's practice. But I thought it was a good experience and lesson learned.

Tonight's practice was...interesting and exciting. That's pretty much all I can say to sum it up.
We had to do the 20x25 underwater dolphin kick again. This time we just kept starting over, we didn't get kicked out this time! Many of the people who struggled last time did much better this time.
However, (here comes the exciting part) the coach loves to play mind games. If he noticed anyone who was struggling, he'd wait for them to get to the wall, then hold them down for a few extra seconds underwater. I'd look up, and he'd be at the opposite end of the pool, and he dunked all these people! I was very intimidated, and worried that I might find my head being dunked underwater when I need air...However, that intimidation was in vain. He never came to my lane. :)
While waiting at a wall, the next thing I know...I see the coach leaping, in midair, and land in the pool. He pulls off his jacket and looks determined.
He came to my lane too late, but when I was looking, he'd get in people's way, stop them, cause them to work even harder, forced them to focus and keep going...

My dad told me not to worry too much about this coach. He seems like he knows what he's doing, and apparently no one has died from his workouts. Well...I'm sort of worried now. A swimmer on our team, who struggled last time, ended up in the hospital. Coach never touched him, and the swimmer is fine (honestly, I think he's a mental case).

But our team did the whole set today! (We did about 40 total...)

Lesson learned: If you're not performing up to standard, the coach himself will jump in and make sure that you do.


Anonymous said...

Highly amusing! I remember coaches (without football pads) jumping into the plays and blocking, hitting, tackling just to show us how it should be done. i thought they were missing a few brain cells at the time...
Sounds like your coach is totally committed (or should be committed?)to making your team the best they can be. I like it. I think...

Letty said...

Well, at least you know he isn't afraid to get wet...nice work not having to get your head dunked! Was the hospital visit from this practice or from in the past?

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness...looks like I got out at the right time.

Anonymous said...

How funny! How did you not stop swimming and bust a gut laughing? Its darn good you played waterpolo against Ari. That way if he ever gets in your way you'll know how to take him down or at least get around him toward the goal. I bet you can't wait now for practice to see what else he has up his sleeve.

Anonymous said...

i just don't know what to say.

Lauren said...

Ok, that just seems weird and a little over-the-top. I don't quite understand his methods. Hmmmm......Why did a swimmer end up in the hospital?