Monday, September 24, 2007

Mind Games

The entire swim team got kicked out of practice today.
Yes, my coach loves playing mind games with us. And if we're not focused, we'll get kicked out.
Unfortunately, when I look at all this in retrospect, I can't help but smile.
I know I'm supposed to be serious, and I am, when I'm at the pool. But just reflecting back on how the whole team stresses out and gets irritable with each other....after getting kicked out, the girls get really shrill in the locker room, wanting their opinion to be heard. I'm just a little deaf freshman, so I hear nothing, really.
All I see is red faces and serious expressions.

Ba ha!


Anonymous said...

Sometimes our trials turn into blessings. Thats what they always say anyway. Perhaps in some parts of you life like shrill talking and bad words its been good not to hear it all.

Anonymous said...

mind games, mind games, bwa ha ha!

Rick Edge said...

abby, I think that you are playing the best mind game of all.

Letty said...

There are definetly times when I envy the ability to turn off the sound! Sounds as though you have things figured out pretty well.