Friday, September 14, 2007

Blindly (and deafly) swimming.

This morning's workout was interesting. We did a moderately hard set, we had to count our strokes per length. Then the coach gave us all masking tape. We had to tape over our goggles, so we couldn't see a thing. We were told that we're going to do a 25 sprint, from a start, finish with a turn. We counted our strokes, and we're experienced enough that we should be able to make the turn perfectly. We line up behind the blocks, and he tells everyone to put on their goggles. So I try to remember that I'm the third person in line.
I hear two separate splashes of water, so I know that I must be up now. I get up on the block, (remember I'm blind and deaf). The next thing I know is I hear a splash, and the coach yelling "GO!!!" I throw myself into the water, and totally ran into the lane-line. Oh, and I missed the wall. Flipped about 5 yards out. But apparently, that was the story with everyone.

Second attempt: I actually swam straight, but still missed the wall exactly 5 yards out.

Third (and last) attempt: I throw caution to the wind, decide to go all ALL out. I won't count my strokes like coach told me to, and just flip when I feel like it's the right time. What's the worst that can happen? A bloody nose? A lane-line burn? Face-plant into the wall? Heels hit the wall? Not too bad....
I swam my hardest, and I felt like it was time to turn. I did, and lo, and behold! My feet hit the wall! I blast off, and I hear cheering from the other girls who finished before me. I looked up, and noticed Coach looking at me, nodding his head in approval, then turning to talk to the assistant coach.

Uh...but I didn't count my that bad?

The rest of the time, we did lots of drills dealing with starts and jumping, all the stuff I always struggle with... The drills of the diving board were probably amusing to watch.


Old Warrior said...

Hee-hee-haw---I like the funny posts. I can just see you, Helen Keller, going for it and hitting the turn--but not after a few amusing attempts. Ok-got to go stop chuckling. Thanks for the smile!

anna jo said...

so were you the only one to flip at the wall???

Rick Edge said...

Nicely done.

Joslynn said...

That's right, Nat! Don't follow the coach, and you sill succeed! Hehe!

Joslynn said...

Will succeed, rather.
Dang it!

Unknown said...

counting is overrated. strokes, yards, it doesn't matter :-)

Unknown said...

counting is overrated. strokes, yards, it doesn't matter :-)

Anonymous said...

When I text you I keep writing couch instead of coach. No wonder you can't figure out what I'm trying to say! Any difference between the two?