Tuesday, August 21, 2007

First workout

Oh, boy. Do I have a talent for starting things off the wrong foot, or what? (Or wrong hand, for that matter.)

We had our first workout today, held by the seniors. So it was easier than what we should expect in official practice. We stretched, and ran forever.

The whole workout wouldn't have been so bad, except for one small incident.

At the beginning of the run, my lucky shoelaces became untied. (Both of them!) I stopped to tie my shoes, and everyone else continues running at full speed. I'm already quite a few yards behind, and I hurry up and run so I can try to catch up. I didn't see that darn pothole! Back down I go! I succeeded in bruising my right palm, so it even hurts to type. My left hand did a good job of getting itself cut up. After the first section of running, we had to get down and do pushups. Not wanting to look like a slacker, I did them the best I could, but to my dismay, I saw dirt and grass shoved into my wound. We kept running and running, and I was very sweaty. (For some odd reason, they made us run during the hottest part of the day.) I was so sweaty, I bet I could beat dad in "who's the sweatiest now?" I felt like a sponge letting go of all the water in it. Trickling salty sweat everywhere! Ewww! We finally finished blasted running, and dryland, and were excused to get our suits on and get in the refreshingly cold pool.

The workout itself was no big deal. Once I'm in the pool, I'm in my element. Nothing can break me in the pool. It's the dryland that kills.

But, alas! We did a set where after every length, you had to get out and do push-ups, backwards pushups...(I don't know what they're really called...you put your legs out in front of you, hands behind, and lower yourself down and up...), crab walking, squats, lunges, etc. Getting in and out of the pool was a pain...and swimming? It's very annoying to have a piece of skin flapping about, causing more pain than I should really feel. I tried chewing it off several times, but the skin was too thick. (Gross! You really wanted to know that, huh?)

Great way to start your first day of college practice, Nat.

Gah! I've never realized how vital your palms are for swimming!
Some discoveries thus far:
  • I really need to get a razor scooter. Maybe I'll get to Institute on time, then.
  • I have no time (and no stomach) to eat a decent meal between my last class and before afternoon practice. I'll have to find yogurt, granola bars, etc., to stock up in my room so I won't die at practice from lack of energy.
  • Ovaltine is the definite lifesaver. It's so nice to come into my dark cold dorm, walk to the fridge, fill up my nalgene bottle halfway (yes! I drink that much!) with milk, and pour in some ovaltine. It tastes so good!
  • I miss my CTR ring. It's somewhere at home.
  • I need more milk. My drinking habits are getting out of hand.
  • Phones are easily lost, and difficultly found.
  • Utah swimmers are...interesting. I'll have to stay away from them. (e.g., A swimmer had a huge bruise on her knee. I asked her how she got it, and the reply? "well, I tried to go for a run while I was drunk. Didn't really work.")
  • The Trax and Shuttle are very nice to know about.
  • My body is very out of shape for swimming (and running). What am I to do? Ack!
  • I miss mom and dad immensely. Growing up is overrated, and a pain.
  • Enjoy free time while you have it, because it'll be gone before you know it.


Lauren said...

Ohhhhhhhh, Nedgie Wedgie! You need a hug! Maybe I'll have to see you tomorrow. I will be studying at the institute in the afternoon, if you need a friend. :)

Tanner's Tales said...

Arghh...I just left a great comment, then my computer kicked me off the internet! It was something about how I had the same sort of experience with the team my freshman year...they couldn't handle a dry season, so we had a 24 hour rule. And they still had a hard time following the "24 hour" rule, where you couldn't drink 24 hours before a game. Keep stocked up on granola bars, keep smiling, and watch out for pot holes!

Letty said...

Ah, nat...I'm so sorry. Just think it can only get better from here. The nice thing about bad thngs is that they give us a better perspective...kinda like bonking on the tour dlentil. Keep up the good work and stay stong...you are great at everything you do.