Friday, February 09, 2007

State: Day one.

I'm pumped and ready to go. I need to focus.
Breathe in. Breathe out.
The whistle blows. I step up onto my block.
"Take your mark"...BEEP!
I lunge forward and dive into the water. Come on! Get going! Faster! Come on arms! Faster! Uh's the wall. Well...that flip turn wasn't my best...but coming back, I finally find my stride. Unfortunately, the race is over. Look up. 23.65. Dang. Not even...not even a best time! Gaaah!
I cool down in the warm pool. I'm frustrated and disappointed.
But all everyone cares about is what place I got. "Who cares if you didn't get a best time? You're a state champ!"
I care. I wanted a best time!
Everyone congratulating me and hugging me made me annoyed.
Maybe I shouldn't have been annoyed. Maybe I should just enjoy being a state champ...again.
But it's my senior year! I want a best time!

They announce my name. "...and the state champion with a 23.65 (dratted time!)...from Some High School in the Vicinity, Abby Norman!"
I stand on the podium for all the people to peer at me.
Because I'm a state champ, I'm required to smile. But I just can't.
So I do the second best thing I can do.



Rick Edge said...

State champ A.N. is dissapointed at achieving something that her older siblings only dreamed about.
Good job, and good luck tomorrow.

Joslynn said...

You had to stand on a podium for everyone to peer at you??? Holy moly, you're like a celebrity!
'State champion' is not a title to be used lightly-- you can't just say it in passing in such a way that indicates it means nothing to you.
Best time or no, you are still an undeniably brave, strong, toned, and hard working person. Let's face it: you're an athlete. You will probably never be satisfied with your time, even if you absolutely skim the water's top with your speed.
You are amazing.

Tanner's Tales said...

Well, now that you broke the state record not once, but twice in the 100, can we congratulate you?

Brittany said...

You sound kind of like me. Sometimes (ok, a lot of the time)I really won't be happy with anything less than perfect. I don't always see the big picture because I'm so focused on one tiny little thing that isn't the best, like a memory slip or someone else doing better. It's a shame really. We should get over this.