Sunday, December 03, 2006

Pitter Patter...

As I was relaxing, watching the T.V. while trying to figure out how to make a dreamcatcher, I hear a faint chhk! chhk! chok! cok! I ignore it. I continue to watch Star Trek and enjoy myself, thinking that Q has some great insults for Worf, such as: "You have a macro head...with a micro brain!!" Or such useless phrases like that.
Then it starts again...chhk! chchchchkk! I finally realize what's happening: I'm being invaded. Yes, my house is currently invaded by...mice. If you move the tiles around in my ceiling, you can hear a mouse quickly scamper away.
I'm sorry to say that we have killed one already. We just have to get the rest, or my top ramen and brown sugar won't be safe!
Mom will probably buy peppermint oil. Apparently mice don't like peppermint oil, and once they smell it, they move out. It'd be nice if they moved to some other neighbor's house. Then we wouldn't have to do the sorry deed of terminating them. At least they're not rats like that one year...
Winter has definitely settled in. The mice are back.


Anonymous said...

Whoa, mice!
If your house smells like peppermint the next time I visit, I guess I'll know why.
Be careful Nat: don't let any rabid rodents attack you...

Anonymous said...

Ah ha! Caught in the act... Trekkie!

Anonymous said...

No mice in the house (at least after we've booted them)but have you seen the extra large holes by the back door? Do you know what extra large holes by the back door means? It means we will once again be feeding the dogs in the house and buying extra large traps. Thank goodness it is cold-the full traps that are gingerly thrown in the garbage stay fresher until Thursday(garbage day) We used to let the mice stay a little until the one year we were down stairs watching TV when we realized we were witnessing a hole being eaten in the ceiling. The hole remains there still. We have learned that once you have one mouse or even hear a mouse, well in a few days you will have 10 and then it will exponentially increase by the hundreds. So like a bad habit you better get rid of this worriment when it is small. You also have the problem of mouse poop all over in the fruit room. The worst is looking in forgotten corners where you start sneezing and wheezing from mouse homes formed in balls of yarn and old dolls. Well enough of our travels with the mice of Edge. Then you wonder why I've never really wanted the hampsters and and creatures as pets!

Anonymous said...

Since I do not have my own blog I am writting this to anyone who may read abby's blog and the comments that follow her ramblings--SHE'S DONE IT AGAIN! Yes miss abby mormon I mean norman has changed bedrooms once again. She is now back in Ricky's old room where heat does enter and mice don't dare. What a character this little girl is. Perhaps you older siblings would have done the same if you had had the chance. (Isn't that tense weird-had had?)

Anonymous said...

Nat switched rooms again? And out of the one with two closets?
I wish I had that freedom.

Anonymous said...

all right--Mummy got upset at me for not commenting, so here is a comment from me. About Nat moving rooms: I wish I could move rooms also. But being married requires me to live in the biggest room in the house (or apartment, as in my case). Move while you can! Maybe that is why us old people like to move from house to house--we really long to move into a new room.

Anonymous said...

Mum's- I really think you should start your own blog. Reed always says that you have a lot more wisdom than you let on. I'm sure we would all enjoy reading your blog full of wisom. Just have that young daughter of yours show you how to set it up...after that, it is easy, most of the time anyway. I'm sure the old warrior could help you think of a witty title for it...something Dr. Suessy. (I hope I didn't send this comment twice...Like I said, blogging is easy if you can figure out these comments!)