Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Someone recently asked me what's going on in my life...
Well. The usual. On my "long" days I wake up a little after 5, go lift weights, swim, go to school, swim, coach a swim team, then go home to...sit down. On my "short" days, I wake up, go to school for three hours, go home, go swim, coach, then come home.
Then on the weekends, I catch up with everything (like sleep) and everyone.
Pretty dull, eh?
I'm experiencing only a small dilemma for the moment. I'm sure it'll pass. I love coaching, it's fun and all, but I dislike getting home so I can eat, fool around for an hour...then go to bed. I want to ask my boss to find someone else to coach, but I know I can't do that, as the pool has paid my coaching fees and to make me "eligible". I also just attended an "in-service". All well. The weekends are MINE after 12:00 pm on Saturdays!
That's about it with my life...thank you for asking...
I'm shocked and scared at how fast the days are flying by. I'm already half-way through second semester! Ack! Dung beetles!


Anonymous said...

Find joy and endure

Lauren said...

I agree with the first comment. It will all pay off. But I do feel that the head coach should be a little more understanding of personal needs. He doesn't seem to understand what a family really is and what loving parents are really for. I feel that he thinks I have no life and that I am not in college. He has no idea how tireing and stressful our daily schedules can be sometimes.

Anonymous said...

It's bizarre how time flies, ain't it?
It's like you said: Time flies like an eagle, and house flies like the wall. Oh, wait! You didn't say that! That was my own version.
I know that you are busy. I wish I could give you some of my nap time. That way we'd have more time to play.

Anonymous said...

Time just keeps going by faster and faster too. Enjoy it! That's easy to say, because I never was that busy in high school, only after. Some day, you will be wishing you had more things to do with your time. Have fun coach!

Anonymous said...

Hey, at least you got to take a three hour nap today-- Hooray for the always cute, never creepy, (though sometimes sleepy) Superman! Hope you didn't have any nightmares about dinosaurs...

Letty said...

It could be worse...I cleaned a meat depatment after school everyday all through highschool! So, when you feel sleepy and unsatisfied...just think you could be cleaning up meat!