Today is November 16, 2006.
It is rather a gloomy day here, and there is no sun to be seen. That's the way I like it. Either the sun is out without a cloud in the sky, blinding me, the school-mole who has no classes with windows. Or...the sun is out, with shiny glistening bright stuff on the ground, blinding me on the double. Today is very nice, as I can have my eyes wide open without pain, and I don't have profusely sweaty armpits, as it's chilly. I can actually wear a jacket without sweating everywhere. It's kind of sad that I can sweat on cue.
I've decided that November is nice and quiet and calm, kind of like the peace you experience before a huge storm. At least Thanksgiving is celebrated quietly and pleasantly with family, a reflection on the simple things in life we are thankful for. The day after Thanksgiving...uproar, "products! Products! PRODUCTS! Buy! Buy! Buy! You aren't happy with what you have, you want MORE! Buy! Christmas Sale! Come now! Only 24 hours! Blah blah blah."
Christmas, what are you? You cause stress and even...unhappiness. You commercialize, you advertise, you manipulate. You throw yourself on us after Halloween, or even as soon as July with your "Christmas in July" campaign.
I thought you were something quite different. I thought you were a holiday to enjoy, a holiday to be thankful again. After we are thankful for our possessions and lives in November, I thought we got to be thankful again for Christ, and for His willingness to come down and live with us lowly people. But...even the "Reason for the Season" products have made me somewhat skeptical. Buy these cute doo-dahs that say "The Reason for the Season" so we can make more money! Does it truly make people stop and reflect on why we even have Christmas?
I think I enjoy Christmas more than some of my friends. After Christmas day, many people seem gloomy and depressed...why? I don't know. I guess the excitement build-up is massive, and the day comes and goes quickly, like any other day. Then it's gone. You opened all of your presents. Woo hoo.
I enjoy the quiet Christmases. In my youth, it was all about the presents. Now, today, often the family doesn't even open the presents 'til evening of Christmas Day! A laid-back Christmas with family is necessary to actually enjoy it. (At least, that's my experience.)
What do you think?
For me, Christmas is beautiful because of the feelings it brings and the memories it harbors. I always associate the holidays with the warm happiness and love that one feels when surrounded by family and friends. Sunny Thanksgivings and bright Christmases are all too often commericialized to such an extent that the true essence of the holiday is lost in advertising. But I have found that the Christmas spirit can be conjured on any day of the year.
To quote our favorite Christmas movie:
"Wherever you find love, it feels like Christmas."
Speaking of this, we must get together and watch!
Ba ha!
For me, I think Christmas has really become a time to relax. I love the excitement the whole month of December. I love snow storms. I love Christmas movies and music. But one of my favorite parts was during highschool swim season when the Christmas moratorium came around. I could finally sleep and be with my family. I think it is good that we have Christmas to be with family. I know for us, our weekly schedules are so insanely busy, that we hardly get to see each other it seems like. I don't even get to eat dinner with my family, during the week, anymore. It is depressing. I guess Christmas, for me, is about family, Christ, and rest.
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