Monday, December 01, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

Thanksgiving weekend was a wonderful break from school (not really from swimming, because "break" is unheard of in the swimming world). It was wonderful to see Rick, Collette, Oscar, Poppy, Emily, Carvel, Megan, Reed, Will, Sam, Lindsey, Bryan, Micah, Carter! Whew...

However, going back to school has made me realize that it is a torturous holiday: Gives you a tiny taste of freedom for the brain, then makes you plunge right back into a couple more weeks and finals!
I wonder if our little walk on the river the day after Thanksgiving will become a yearly tradition?
I have no idea how Sam could sleep in such a position. But he did.

We went to see the lights that night. 'Twas PACKED! I don't think many of us had fun, but it was worth it for the kids, and to pay a visit to beloved Temple Square.

Notice the hundreds of people on the other side?

I've decided that temples, especially the Salt Lake City temple are very photogenic.


Lauren said...

Loved Temple Square!

Anonymous said...

I love seeing family--wish I could have seen everyone some more!

Old Warrior said...

It was nice having you around for most of the time. thanks for posting these pics and posts. We do often take walks on t-giving or day after, so I guess it is becoming a tradition, tradition..

Anonymous said...

It wasn't just a walk, it was a treasure hunt for golf balls! Last year we found 40 but this year since we are in a recession we only found 5.

Brittany said...

I liked your comment about the hundreds of people in the background. Temple Square is wonderful.

Your family is awesome!