Unfortunately, we went there and found no weapons of mass destruction. So the leaders changed their goal. Now we're there to "free Iraq."
That was a nice goal too.
Until we accomplished that.
Then why do we remain there?
Oh. Oil.
I'm tired of hearing about soldiers who will never come home, of tragedies, of sadness.
I had a substitute teacher in High School who served in Iraq and was going to go back in a month. He told some pretty interesting stories. And he gave a good perspective. He was optimistic, though he did admit that the war seems...pointless.
Why did we even go there in the first place? Because our country is powerful and is obligated to defend the weak. BUT...there are times when you have to say enough's enough!
This war has a similar taste to Vietnam. There is no true way we can "win" the war. Once we withdraw our armies, the country will collapse on itself. I'm not sure if there's any solution.
I just wish that the long lists of soldier's names who have died in service would stop. Bring them home.
And, please, if we go to war again for some reason in the future, please let it be a solid reason. Not changing every time it's found convenient to do so...