Sunday, April 22, 2007


Well, I went to (probably my final) dance last night. Girl's pref.
I asked kind of late, so no one I knew was available. So...I asked an awesome young man from Bingham.
There was no day activity, at least not for me, because he had work. (Thank goodness! Sometimes I think these things are waaay tooo loong!)
We ate dinner at the Rabies.
Then we drove to the dance.
Unfortunately, I don't really like, we went in, got our pictures taken. Then we "danced" (if you could call it dancing) for an hour. Then we went out to get a drink, saw how nice it was outside, and decided that we weren't going back in to the dark loud disorienting atmosphere. So. We had to find something to do. We decided to try to get this one person wet because at Bingham, they're playing some senior game called "gotcha."
We needed to find a phonebook so we could figure out the coordinates of a circle. So we drove to the Stapley's, but when we were looking at the address, we realized, "oh, she's at a dance too!" So...since one of the Stapleys looked like they needed some cheering up, we stayed, and visited with the Stapleys...then watched a little bit of Pirates of the Caribbean. Then I took him home. Home by eleven!



Staples said...

Well, what did you do from 10-11? I had jesse home by 10. Ha beat that. I had the exact same thought as you. The music was terrible! It sounded the same the whole stinkin night! Jesse look like he was getting tired or bored by 9. so we went to cold stone. You should've told me where you were going. WE probably would have came with you. Jease! J/k. Well, see ya!

Lauren said...

Josh is way cool! You had an awesome date....lucky!

Joslynn said...

It sounds like you and Mr. Rueckert had a smashing old time. He is a good friend and a very funny person.
Or maybe he's just charming.

Anonymous said...

Natalie with someone who is "charming"? Sweet.
Oh, and thnnks for not mmaking the old guy wait up too late before you got home.