Monday, April 09, 2007


It seems like whenever I depart from beloved Utah, the weather here gets wonderful...and wherever I go, the weather is good the first day, but after that, it's awful.
Take when I left for Albuquerque...when I was gone, the weather was warm and in the 70's. In Albuquerque the first day was pretty warm, but the second day, it snowed! (more like dandruff than snow...) When I came home, it was sprinkling rain at 2:00 AM. When I arrived at Kearns. It has been purty cool ever since.
And whenever I leave Utah in the summer, it finally gets a little cooler, and huge rainstorms. Wherever I go, it's hot and miserable. I a curse?

On another note, I've decided I don't want to grow up! I don't want to go to college. I don't want to be an adult. Why can't I just keep living in the same house, doing the same things? Ugh! :) I guess changes are necessary, though.


Anonymous said...

You can! However, deep down you'de feel like something was missing, a knawing little feeling that would make you a bit onery.

Anonymous said...

life is an adventure--and college makes you grow and it's worth every penny. How much are you paying for college again?

Anonymous said...

Good point from both mamas. Just keep doing what you should and enjoy life. You'll do fine.

Anonymous said...

Mummy--is that the same thing as a gnawing little feeling?

Letty said...

Just thin kof how great it will feel to come back home. There's such a nice feeling knowing that when we go home we have a bunch of people to hang out with, and not much to worry about.

Lauren said...

Dude, I felt that exact same way last year about this time. I did not want to leave high school. The week of graduation was the most depressing week of my life (well except for the week Elder Larsen left for his mission), seriously. But then when you get to graduation ceremony, everything starts to feel right. It's fun. Try to have as much fun as possible these last moments of high school. It will mean so much more to end your high school memories on an upbeat note, if you will.

Joslynn said...

I don't want to grow up either, Nat. I like to imagine that you and Doyle and I won't go to college, but rather will journey with the munchkins to Never Never Land where we would never have to separate or do our laundry. We could eat chicken all day and wear matching blue jeans and sit among rows and rows of fabulous bookshelves in glass elevators very high in the sky and sing badly to all our favorite songs.

No, I most certainly do not want to grow up. But there will inevitably be more adventures for we three, if not in Neverland than somewhere else, and I hope that even though I'll be gone I can still be a part of that beautiful dream.

Joslynn said...

I hope you have a good, hearty, Salmonilla-filled weekend, Nat.

Don't chalk too many driveways without me.