Saturday, March 10, 2007


Well, I'm safe in Pullman at the time.
Sectionals was a lot of fun! My first day was the best day because I actually made it back in the 100 free. I took fifth! (I took eighth two years ago) After that I must admit things kind of went downhill. I got a best time in the 200 backstroke, and was very pleased. On the second day (yesterday) I did poorly in my 200 free, which was the very first event of the day, which gave me plenty of time to explore Seattle.
In my explorations, I got to see a little bit of the ocean, lots of seagulls, the famous "Ye Old Curiosity Shop" which has mummies and interesting stories, and is partially a museum..., The fish market, Pike's Place, and lots of cool bizarre little shops.
Then came today, I swam some "off-events", events that I rarely swim. I did pretty good, but yielded no personal best times.
But I have to admit, I'm satisfied with the results of my meet. I did taper for state, after all. Not sectionals.

Anything else to tell? No. Not really.

Maybe I'll have another scooter wipe-out story to tell before the end of this trip is over...

1 comment:

Joslynn said...

Ye Old Curiosity Shop sounds like a boat load of fun. I wish that I was with you in the lovely greenness of Seattle, and not in the everlastingly dull and sunny South Jordan.
Congrats on taking fifth! I always know you'll do well.