Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Post-surgery (and I mean post as in about a hour after coming home from said surgery)

I'm only going to write as much as I possibly can with this darn nerve blocker I have. (My arm is dead, feeling the same sensation you feel in your mouth when your dentist gives you that shot to deaden feeling in your mouth. Mine will last another 48 hours, since they sent a bottle of the stuff with me. Yay.)

Surgery. What to say about it? I don't remember much. They put a nerve blocker in my neck area, and now I can't currently feel anything on my left shoulder/arm below my neck. They asked me 15 minutes later to hold my arms out in front of me. My right arm did the task while my left arm rolled feebly off the bed. Ha ha ha!

Then I was in the operating room before I knew it. Last thing I remember there was taking nice deep breaths through an oxygen mask.

Not sure if it was a dream or real, but I saw bright operating lights, someone saying "she's coming to! We need...." then darkness again.

Next thing? In a dimly lit room, someone saying "Hello there! What's your mom and dad's names?"

"Richard and Vickie Edge."

"Good. You feeling awake?"

"Naw, kind of loopy. Like the times I rode a bus home from a trip, didn't get home til 4 in the morning."

For some reason I yanked the wires off my body. Then admitted to the nurse what I did. She took care of it. And I think we talked a lot after that. I remember constantly yanking the oxygen mask off my face so I sounded more clear. She finally just took it off. I was happy. And I remember drinking a lot of water, and feeling like I needed to go to the bathroom real bad.

Well, now I'm home and quite awake. Wow. Drugs can make one real loopy. I wonder what else slipped out of my rattling tongue when I was talking to the nurse.

Thank you mom for the lovely jamoca (spelling?) shake from arby's. SO good. Going to go finish it now.


freddyfly said...

glad your doing ok :) It's spelled jamocha and it is DELICIOUS!

Rick Edge said...

Since I was a kid the jamocha shake from Arby's was the post-anything-medical treat of choice.
Glad you are out of the surgery.

Brittany said...

I'm really glad everything went well. Some parts of surgery are ALMOST fun, aren't they? I loved the part about your arm flopping to the side. Haha!

I've never had a Jamocha shake. Maybe I should have another surgery to give one a try.

Anonymous said...

I was telling one of the anesthesiologists about your intrascaline shoulder block . I said it worked really great. He said, "yea our practice has only been sued 3 times. Each one was from an intrascaline shoulder block that went bad and the person could not move his arm for the rest of his life"