Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Year of the Pig

This year is the year of the pig. I like pigs. If I could be any animal besides a hippo and dolphin, I would be a pig. They are awesome animals in the fact that they can get nice and dirty in the mud, and not have a care in the world...until they are slaughtered for Christmas season...
I wonder what pigs are like in the wild. The only pigs I have ever met are the hormone-injected huge waddling monsters. And they don't do anything. The other pig I have met was my Aunt's pet pig. He squealed and was very stinky.
But a pig in the wild...they must truly be a glorious animal. I can imagine a moon-lit sky, with a silhouette of a pig on a mountain.
Pigs are quite similar to humans. They also eat vegetables and meat. Omnivorous? Is that the word? They also are pink, black, tan, etc.--they are like us, we are all different colored.

Now, a pathetic poem.

Snort, snicker, sniff.
Ears twitch and eyes beam.
Beware, they are keen.
Beware, wolf, don't mess!

Soft wet nose nuzzles.
Chaos of bodies run.
Hoofs beat,
Cooking wolf scent in air,
Pigs rule the terrain.

What a fitting icon for this year.
Especially for overweight, greedy, gluttonous U.S.A.
The Year of the Pig.
(Okay, okay, it doesn't officially start until Feburary or late January...)


Joslynn said...

Perhaps the Year of the Pig bodes well for the good ol' U.S. of A. after all!
I have seen a wild pig. Given, it was stuffed full of fluff; but it did look pretty foreboding with tusks and teeth and bristly hairs all over its body.
It didn't look too friendly.

Anonymous said...

Yep you've got me snorting just reading your blog and I am wearing all the chocolate and piggy meat I consumed during the holidays on my hips. Guess you caught me. However if mummy is a pig what does that make you?
P.S. Besides a good dad it takes a computer that can receive and act upon all the waves of wisdom and guidance from the source.

Anonymous said...

I was trying to comment to utefan but couldn't remember all my secret codes. You asked her if there was anything new. I was going to say LIke abby norman is in love?

Anonymous said...

Do you ever wonder about that Melissa? She posts one blot once in a blue moon and gets tons of comments. We all must love her!

Anonymous said...

ARG-Here it is 10 45 pm I was headed for bed hours ago. Why am I up reading blogs, laughing and thinking of all the great people in my life? I am going to let the poor frozen dogs in and go find that blissful place!

Brittany said...

My second grade teacher was obsessed with pigs. She decked her classroom with every pig-trinket known to man kind. Her husband also built this rather large barn in the back of the room that we could go and read in during our free time if we were good. So now I always think of Mrs. Gordon when I see or hear of pigs.

Tanner's Tales said...

Abby Norman is in Love??? Does she make good lip contact?

Nedge said...

I'm in love? Why wasn't I notified of this?

Lauren said...

You'll love when you get to read "Lord Of The Flies" for English. There are alot of pigs in it.

Nedge said...

I don't think I've ever gotten so many comments in such a short time! I feel wonderful!

Joslynn said...

Elementary school teachers-- especially the really artsy craftsy ones-- seem to always choose a farm animal to represent their classroom. In my second grade it was ducks. Coincidence? I think not.
Are we having duck? Delicious!