Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Swimming Conversations

Swimming conversations are rather interesting. Have you ever seen "Finding Nemo", the dolphins...they speak every time they're both in mid-air, then stop when they are underwater, then continue their conversation in the air again... Conversations at swim practice are rather like that, as you and the person you're conversing with see each other for about five seconds, if that.
One particularly funny conversation between a friend and I occurred a couple of weeks ago. I decided I wanted to confuse her.

I wait for her to finish. After we both pant for a couple of seconds, I say, "Funny you should say that."
We swim another 50. "Say what? I didn't say anything!"
We swim another 50. "You said..." then I leave.
We swim yet another 50.
"What did I say? I don't remember!"
We swim another 50, surprise, surprise. "I want a burrito."
We swim another 50. "I want a burrito?"
We swim another 50. "What a coincidence! I feel like a burrito too!"
We swim another 50.
"What? Wait...I'm confused!"

There. She said it. And I was done. And we continued swimming. (Of course, during every break since that, it was "What? What were you talking about?!" and I pretend I can't hear. Which I can't...I just quit reading her lips :)


Rick Edge said...

Swimming conversations, eh? Silly pranks must be natured or nurtured into us. Have you done the "SHH! SHHHH!" on the school bus yet? Sush everybody down, then when it is finally quiet, just laugh. Who wants Mexican food in the water anyway?

Nedge said...

I have actually tried the bus one. With my swim doesn't work. I'll try again tomorrow.

Joslynn said...

I'm bad at silly pranks but I say enough stupid things to make up for the lack of them.

Tanner's Tales said...

Abby- I was looking for the "lip contact" post to share with Reed. Any idea where it is?

Anonymous said...

Well since Doyle hasn't updated her blog I thought I'd check and see if you had some new thoughts. I for one found your story hilariouse. I probably would have gotten confused too, but it was very funny.

Brittany said...

I totally remember having conversations like that when I swam (back in the day), panting part and all. Though, I didn't try to confuse people. I'm glad you reminded me, you sly fox.

Lauren said...

Ohhhhhhhhh! That just makes me miss swimming even more! Why do you have to write about fun things like that?

Joslynn said...
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Joslynn said...

You crazy swimmers!