Monday, October 27, 2008

You wish it would just go away!

Whenever I was in this situation in middle school and high school, I fantasized that in college, and later on in life, I would know exactly how to handle myself, or even that it would never happen to me again.

Alas, I'm in college, and, once again, I clumsily handled the situation.

What does one do when they have a runny nose that will never be subdued? I was in a class that goes for three hours. After the first three minutes, my nose was runnier than ever. I quietly excused myself and went to the bathroom to blow my nose (and stuff lots of toilet paper in my pockets). Luckily, I was in the very back row, so all of this was pretty much unnoticed, except for my constant sneezing and sniffling.

Unfortunately, my toilet paper supply was wet and decaying after 20 minutes. So I used my sleeves. That worked well, until I realized that I was smearing more snot onto my face. So I wiped my nose with my hand and wiped it on my pants. Then my pants started feeling wet. I swear, the human body can create enough snot to drench a normal person. Disgusting that may be, it's true.

So the sleeves are useless, the pants are useless...determined to remain in class, I tilt back my head to help clear it. The nose definitely cleared up! Until...something was draining into my throat. No one wants that!!! (I gagged. The student sitting next to me jumped slightly. I think he was napping.)

So after the first hour and 15 minutes, we had a little break. I explained to my professor I was ill, and she kindly understood and excused me.

Now I'm on my comfortable bed, with a whole roll of toilet paper beside me. I'm very happy for a person in my situation.


Rick Edge said...

Ha! Nat, I have come to simply expect my nose to open its spigot at will. It started this morning. How's mom's nose doing?
Though when it comes to uncontrollable snot I have succumbed to the mindset of "better living through chemistry," I have also had days where not even pseudoephederine could stop the flow.
Good luck!

Old Warrior said...

OK Nat-Jamison gave you the drug name you need. I can emphasize with the both of you. At least neither of you have my "toxic snot syndrome". I am just getting over a bout of that wonderful experience. Sorry about the snotty gene pool--yes, I am thinking it is indeed a mucosy pool--kind of like up at the U after you swim a few laps!

mad dog said...

I hear ya! ...Man, I'd hate to swim in the lane behind you... Do you remember gross boys on the high school team who constantly let loogies (spelling?) in the water? Well, I've just discovered that Ben was (and would be today, if he still swam) one of those!

Brittany said...

Only you could pull this post off with that picture.