Monday, June 09, 2008

O Mah Ha! Olympians here and there!

I thought these pictures would be so cool when I took them, then realized, no that's not necessarily true. Unfortunately, I kept forgetting my camera, and once I remembered it, most of the Olympians were gone. I will remember recognizing and running into Amanda Beard multiple times. She's short. And she's not exactly my hero. Sure, she's fast and all, but... yeah. This is Gary Hall. You may have heard of him. Or you may simply remember him as the olympian who dresses like a boxer before his races, and never fails to amuse. Before he swam, he had a nice gun shot routine. He is too muscly for any other races but the shortest one. Just think of all that dense muscle he has to keep afloat!
This is ONE, and notice I use the word "one" of the athlete areas. Some had computers, games, tvs, lots of food, etc. They were really nice. Too bad I was too uptight and nervous to relax here.

So, yeah. The weather was like this pretty much everyday. Never saw the sun really. It would've been super nice, but humidity was really high. Mmmm...humidity!

And my coach. Notice he has a lovely "5 o' clock shadow" as my teammate jen calls it. Wouldn't it hurt if hair on your face grew that fast?

And this is a random picture I took.


Letty said...

Wow Nat, now when you see the Olympics this summer you will have a whole new appreciation and connection with the swimmers. That is really cool. What is even cooler is the fact that you are a great swimmer and you have the ability to swim WITH them!
You are amazing keep up the good work!

Old Warrior said...

I hear that growing wiskers do not hurt..