Wednesday, April 30, 2008


How, exactly, does one define a boss?
What is a boss?

Going to, I find that there are an incredible amount of definitions.

The one I'm looking for is the person you work for.

The reason why I bring this question up is the fact that all of the bosses I've had in my life (three) I've known for a long time. They are all affiliated with the pool I frequently attended since I was nine. So we are all on good terms. I didn't even have the wit to dress up for the interviews, but it didn't even feel like an interview. More like an everyday conversation. To be a coach, I didn't even have an interview. I guess my ten years of working out at the pool spoke for me and my character.

Oh, boy. If I don't end up working at KOPFC for the rest of my life, will I ever get a job in the real world?!


Rick Edge said...

to define "boss" you ask Poppy.

"Willie's the boss!"

Emily Stapley said...

your page is berry yellow.