Wednesday, May 14, 2008

from bad to worse?

"...and I guarantee if you miss this class three times or more, you will flunk...why aren't you taking notes? In this class it's important to take notes ALL THE TIME, whether you think the information is important or not..." Yes, we had to take notes on every person that introduced themselves, and anything about them like where they're from, their major, their hobbies, etc.
Well, swimming doesn't guarantee that I won't miss this class more than three times, and I wouldn't make that great of a journalist anyway. Who wants to be interviewed by someone that constantly asks the question "what?" "Could you repeat that, sorry..." and so...I hopped right out...
...right in to something completely different. It's awkward to have to hold the same position for twenty minutes and have a person gawk at you as they try to draw you. And it's awkward to be in the other person's shoes. I have no drawing skills! I don't want to try to draw you! Gah!
I'm taking "painting for non-majors." And today and next Monday we're going to be doing "drawing 101 crash course." Painting isn't probably the best art course to take because it is also the most expensive class (I think.) I have quite a few items on my list that I need to find and buy before Thursday of next week.
However, I think this class will be fun and worthwhile in the long run. Maybe after this class, I can finally finish the huge murals I've started in two rooms and possibly make them pleasant to be in and to look at.


Anonymous said...

I took a drawing class--really enjoyed drawing some things, not others. Good luck!

Old Warrior said...

I know--be a plumber, and you won't need the painting class. Just be sure to wash your hands before you come to the dinner table...

Brittany said...

So...does this mean you aren't a journalism major? What is it as of right now?