I'm not quite sure what to do with it. I have yet to figure out the bass chords, but I know I've found c and g. Rick's accordion lesson books aren't a lot of help, but hey...
I think I'll put some sweet skills to use and learn how to play the "I am a Utah Man" song on it. Then mayhaps I'll engage in the team tradition to sing the song after every swim meet by playing the red and white accordion. It works!
I love it!
(and that's a small, midget accordian?? how big is a normal sized one?!)
WOW!!! I can;t wait to hear it. Do you think we will be able to get the Rickster to play us a diddy sometime???
Very cool.
Where did you get it?
I love that thing. So much.
I also love the whole Speaking of Accordians....we own one, thing. I might use that someday in a post. That is, IF I ever get around to posting again...
You need to play Utah Man on that thing!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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