Sunday, September 17, 2006

Borned about 50 years too late

Thank you to my wonderful friends, Jos and Doyle. You have infested me with a disease. I can't decide if it's for the better or for the worst...bad?...worse?...But I am permanentally infested, and I can't get enough! I am going to pay a visit to people who have plenty of this substance they can give me for free. Some people I have to beg, since I've used a lot of theirs, and they are hesitant to give me more, as they've never seen a teenager of this generation with such an appetite for something so..."outdated".
Yes, I'm now crazy about the Beatles. Now it's pretty much all I listen to. It's pretty much all I look up. Want some useless facts? Here you go: Ringo Starr has appeared in a Japanese advertisement for apple juice; 'ringo' is Japanese for 'apple'. Ringo was also the first Beatle to be a guest star(r?) voice for The Simpsons, the other two eventually followed suit....I'm looking at a lot more, but I'm afraid I'm going to bore my audience.
What else can I say? I've gotta go and look up some lyrics now. Please excuse me.


Joslynn said...

Yay! Natalie has British Beatle's mania! And you know what I'm talking about Nat!
We didn't start the fire...
Ha ha ha!
She got her first taste of Billy Joel too.

Joslynn said...

Oh, and just so you know, I drew the Beatles in sacrament meeting today. How ironic is that? I actually tried to make John look like John, and George like George (in his big green hat with the feather in it) and from afar I saw how nerdy I truly am.
And my poor father who is forced to live alone with me has been subjected repeatedly to the Beatles mix that stays in the kitchen and is played every time I walk into that room.

Nedge said...

Oh, poor dad. My dad, too, is amazed that I am suddenly crazy about the beatles. I think he is disturbed. Where's your ma? I only listen to the Beatles in my room, or in my car. I try not to force it on anyone, esp. my mom and pa who love the AM channels, and listen to Dr. Laura, the Greenhouse, etc.
Billy Joel is cool.
I betcha your picture probably turned out AWESOME! I wish I could draw.

Nedge said...

Hey, I just realized: In three years and three months, I'll be 21. I hope to be on a mission! :)

Joslynn said...

My madre is in Chicago helping take care of the newly arrived babe, Elsa (aka the imp).
My dad was never a Beatles junkie. However, he does know many of the songs. I tried not to smile or protest when he tried to convince me that 'Happiness is a Warm Gun' was something he'd never heard, so it probably was discovered years and years after John Lennon's death. Oh Pa! Take a look at the White Album!

Joslynn said...

Ringo is awesome.

Melissa said...

My pops reacted in similar fashion, but I think he secretly liked the fact that I was interested in music of "his era." However, I don't know if I can forgive him for having sold my mums original White Album album all those years ago.