Saturday, August 19, 2006

Tour de Lentil

Word: Bonked
Unofficial definition (a.k.a. the definition as the Edges know it): When you go biking or hiking, (or performing some sort of exercise), you run out of water and sugar to keep you going, and your muscles use up every possible piece of energy you can offer, then all of a sudden, your muscles stop. Your legs won't go anymore. All you want to do is get off of your bike and lie on the ground.
This has happened to every family member but me. I was sure as close as you can get without getting bonked. My brother said that when you are bonked, you start eyeing the meridian in hopes to find half-full pop cans, discarded food, etc. One time, he found Poppy flowers on the side of the road...he picked them and ate them. It gets that serious. I didn't get that serious. But It got to the point that I was being driven half-crazy. I have found a new torture that will get me talking. A looong bike ride in the rolling hills. (The other? A practice that my old dentist was: To determine if my tooth had a cavity, or was plain sensitive, he'd pour liquid nitrogen on a q-tip, then press it hard on the tooth in question. That is the worst sensation I have ever experienced.)

That is all I can say about the Tour de Lentil. Ugh. I was ready to burst into tears. It never clicked in my head that since Pullman, WA is a bunch of rolling hills, that I will be going down the hills. And up. And up. And up! (I think you got the point.) By the end of the ride, I was about to crack. Once I saw another hill to climb, I just wanted to curl up and die. But, fortunately, that didn't happen. I just let out heaving sobs because I was so tired and frustrated. I was frustrated because my poor experienced father had to ride with me...and wait for me. He could've been done at least an hour sooner if he took off. My brother finished the ride under three hours. It took me six. I was pretty much the last person to finish the stupid ride. What do I get to show for all of this? A tanline, and a lousy t-shirt. (Actually, the t-shirt is quite nice looking.)
I don't know if I'll ever want to do THAT again. At least I accomplished something new this summer.


Joslynn said...

You know what? I don't care if you almost died, I'm proud. Proud that you did La Tour de Lentil at all.
Although it is hard, it is one of those amazing experiences you can look back on and say, "Wow! I'm glad I did that!" and even if you didn't do as well as you expected, you now have the drive and determination to maybe go back and do better. It's incredible.
Of course, I have yet to experience the bonked sensation, because I refuse to push myself that hard. Thus, la squishy, (aka my stomach.) So maybe I'm just being a hopeless optimist after all.
Good job anyway, it's quite an accomplishment.

Joslynn said...

Oh, and I'm sorry I left you hanging. I got a phone call from my mother dearest and the woman won't stop... by the time I came back, you'd gone.
But Spamalot does indeed sound delightful. I will have to look into it.

Nedge said...

That's alright. I assumed that something came up. So I tried to quietly make my exit.

Brittany said...

Natalie, I'm proud of you too. You're amazing. You make me want to be an athlete.

In the meantime, I'll just be sluggish with Jos. Yay for hopeless optimists!

Nedge said...

Brittany--I am glad I'm an athlete. I never could be a musician, where you can actually earn money with your talents in time of need. Athletics? Well, people will give you money so you'll advertise them...if you're in the top of the NFL league.

Nedge said...

(Or the NBA)

Nedge said...

Why did I say I'm glad I'm an athlete? Oh yes, I was going to say something else: I'm glad I'm an athlete because I can put endless of hours of training to shave off a couple hundreths of a second. Bleah. (In case you can't tell, I'm being quite sarcastic.)

Joslynn said...

Am I just incredibley ignorant, or did those comments not make very much sense?
What do you mean you couldn't be a musician? You play the tuba! THAT is a huge accomplishment.

Nedge said...

Yessss....the tuba is a very hard instrument to play..I mean, in one piece, you could have endless rhythm as so: Ba-dum-ba-dum-ba-dum-ba-dum...and you play a total of six different notes throughout the entire piece! Second type of piece: BAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhm (13 whole notes tied together...) throughout the whole piece, and you have played four different notes. How hard. Even a MONKEY could play the tuba! (At least I got fine arts credits to get done with...:)

Brittany said...

Being a musician is similar to being an athlete in that you can't make much money doing it unless you're really good.

In the end, one leads to good health and longer life, and the other leads to playing in church. Which should we slave away for?