Saturday, August 26, 2006

Not utter agony this time.

I didn't get as many salt lines on my face this time. I don't have sore lungs that burn when I breathe in deeply. I don't even have a crappy tan from my bike shorts!
I rode the 100 k. Again. Today. At Cache Valley. Where it smells sweet as you pass the corn and alfalfa, then it smells nasty from the animal manure. I went a lot faster this time. (Probably because I drafted off of my pa.)
But do you want to know the best thing ever about the ride today? There were only 2 hard climbs. Instead of 20. Like in Pullman. Other good things were: very, very good trail bars at the rest stops. The swedish fish and good food at the rest stops. And this tour gave you lunch after! Such good food. Probably because I was hungry. The other nice thing? Lots and lots of people. Means you get to draft off of them. (If you can keep up, that is.)
The sweetest moment of the ride: A nice long downhill where I hit 40 MPH for the first time.
The worst: The climb up the nice long uphill.
Scary moment: Didn't notice an U.R., and almost ran over it. (U.R. stands for "unidentifiable roadkill".) The other scary moment was that I was drafting off my pa too closely, his back tire and my front tire were overlapping, just inches away. (My tire is on the right...) then he swerves to the right, and to avoid hitting him, I almost hit the deadly gravel drop-off by literal millimeters.
Anyhow...I still exclaim in my head during the hard moments (I did it constantly in Pullman) "I PAID to do this!?!?!"

Have a good start of school, y'all, and keep on track to graduate!


Joslynn said...

Once again I am proud of you Nat. I have no reason to of course, as your wonderful athletic abilities are by no means encouraged or inspired by me... but still. I am proud.
I was very happy to see you today. Very, very, happy. Surprise visits are the very best. And even though there might not be much to see between us, I hope that Loony, Goosy, and Ducky will have at least a few adventures together this year.

Joslynn said...

Oh, and I must thank you for your concern over the tragedy of my hair. I am glad that you came to cheer me up. I will be wearing many headbands from now on, but your optimism has convinced me that I'll survive. Actually, I think I knew it all along, but was just reluctant to let go of my wounded pride.
Summer is indeed officially over. It was a fun time though, wasn't it? I think I'd give this summer a 7/10. Maybe a 6.5. I'm glad that we can spend the last waning hours standing in the street and surveying the damage that careless 12 year olds with guns and beer bottles can provoke.

Joslynn said...

Nat: I thought your title, "Not utter agony this time." was a pun.
I couldn't help but notice that you used the word 'utter'. And me, being the hopelessly brainless maniac that I am, thought you meant 'udder' as in a cow. My endlessly slow brain then started ticking for a connection between cows and biking. By the time I came to the conclusion that you probably were just playing around with words that matched your template, I took a second glance and realized my mistake.
I am utterly stupid.

Nedge said...

he he he! Indeed, I meant it as a pun, I was looking at the cow above while trying to think of a title for such a blog.

"Hey, what do you see when you see a cow jumping over a barbed wire fence?"

"Udder destruction"

Joslynn said...

Baha! That is funny, but rather grotesque.