Thursday, May 25, 2006


Well, since everyone is going high maintenance crazy, I have decided to join you.

Obviously, it's kind of hard for me to be HM, since I get wet about twice a day, and I'm in the pool for about 3 hours or more a, I talked to my HM swimmer friends. I was curious to know how they achieved the high maintenance look in the water without it melting into a ghostly nightmare. The answer? Waterproof make-up. So, to begin with, I started with waterproof mascara, to see if it really was waterproof. I looked at my face after practice, and there were no black blobs dripping on to my cheeks, as I've so often seen. So I thought that was pretty cool. Until I tried to get it off. It never clicked in my head that waterproof mascara won't wash off with water. I was now in a dilemma at 9:30 at night. Since I'm not honestly HM, I don't own "eye makeup remover", or "makeup remover" for that matter. So I went to sleep. And I woke up. With black smears under my eyes. Water didn't work. So, like a amateur, I scrubbed the makeup off, and went to school with bright red circles under my eyes. I have never tried wearing mascara or makeup since. And, it's no big loss. I'm glad not to have to worry about makeup.
I know that someday I will have to learn how to do my hair when it's dry (like on my mission in Sweden...), and I will probably be forced to wear makeup at my wedding (if I have one). But, it ain't likely that's gonna happen, and if I'm ever in distress, I'll just go to my mom.

Plus, I've never really liked makeup...I mean, look at that poor Tammy pictured above...


Brittany said...

I love what you said about waterproof mascara. Lamest joke ever. Maybe you could get one of those surgeries where they laser permanent make up onto your face. Then it would never come off! Nightmare!

Melissa said...

Heh heh. Love it.

Yeah, I didn't wear make up ever in high school. Good for you. I fully endorse your current position. In an ideal world, no one would wear make up. I wonder how we could get that to happen--short of the technique the Joker used in that first Batman movie.

I've experienced the waterproof mascara nightmare. I've never worn it again. In a pinch, you can get it off with some vaselline--that stuff is all-powerful and all-purpose (kind-of like duct tape).