Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Team Meeting

I love team meetings! (Not just because they eat into time that I could be killing myself in the pool...)

We have team meetings with just the girls every so often, because Greg feels that we lack confidence in ourselves and so he holds meetings with little activities that sometimes seem stupid or just plain awkward...

Today he gave us three stickers. We had to adress someone on the team and have them stand up in front of everyone. Then you had to say why you like them, what they do to help you in practice, etc. Greg made us do this, because we don't seem to acknowledge a genuine compliment because we're insecure. So we're forced to accept one in front of the whole team!

Anyhow...before all this started, Greg likes to ask us how we're doing. And it's nice to hear people's comments, and be way glad that I'm not the only one! For example, lately, I just don't want to eat anymore. I used to eat a ton of food everyday, but nowadays, I kind of have to force myself to eat. Not fun. Well, that's been happening to a lot more people than I realized, and Greg explained it all for us: We're stressed because of finals, swimming is getting a lot harder, and now our bodies are shutting down, or trying to. And everyday that we don't eat enough, we're actually erasing some of the progress we've made. "you guys need to eat, even if you're not hungry. You need to take care of yourselves. I saw...(looks around, points at ME) this one walking to class with wet hair, and no hat! Just little things like that. You guys need to take better care of yourselves, especially when many of you are getting sick. No more making out with each other, you need to stay in control to stay healthy..."

The ironic thing is...I was cold that morning. But I got a hat and everything before practice tonight, so I'm covered. Don't worry ma and pa!


Anonymous said...

What kind of comments did you make about someone and what comments did they make? Greg is a funny couch!

Brittany said...

Dang that is a beautiful picture!

Lauren said...

Well, your coach IS right you know, about the "not hungry" thing.

Letty said...

Yah, do post some of your compliments...I know you don't want to toot your own horn but it would be fun to read! Wear a hat!
Mom and dad are going to have to start making you high fat shakes like grandma k.