Sunday, March 12, 2006


Socks are such a strange garment. They are also very useful. They can meet almost any need in the household and abroad. For example, in the home, I've found that the sock can be a good item to use for dusting (or de-dusting, if you will...that word is so weird when you think about it...) Socks are also useful in preventing blisters, and they keep your feet warm, not to forget hands as well (if you forget your gloves...). As it can be seen in the picture, it can also be used as a dog toy.
I remember when I was a young lad, my mom liked to make my hair curly for special occasions. Whn one of these special occasions came up, my mom would wet my hair, and tie it up in socks the night before. When I awoke the next morning, she would roll them out, and miraculously, my hair would be curly, if not a little stinky... So, socks can also be used as a beautifying agent! ;)
Socks can also help you abroad. Say you've gone hiking, and your buddy/chum/dog/whatever falls and breaks their arm. You, (as any good boy scout/girl scout would do) set the bones, and go find a couple of splints. Alas! You don't have anything to tie the splints on with! (You don't want to tear your shirt, because it might make your shirt immodest, and we don't want that, do we?) So, you glance down in despair, only to see your smelly, now brown-from-the-mud socks! You pull your wet, sweaty socks off, and tie those splints on, only to realize your patient died from the smell. All well, you did your first-aid right, and that's what counts, right? Of course right.
As you can see from all this, socks may be weird-looking, but they sure can fulfill many much-needed uses.
It's always smart to be prepared; bring an extra pair.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well well Pedro, it's nice to hear from you again. Socks, eh? I've never thought about them that way. I do love socks though, I prefer them on as opposed to off. Did this one come from that cool book you showed me last night?