Sunday, March 12, 2006

Human Nature

Everyday when I look around, and watch others, I become more and more ashamed of my race. Humans truly can become cruel, selfish, and inconsiderate. Why are we like this? Why can't we realize that everyone we talk to, associate with, even glance at in the street are PEOPLE! They have feelings, they have problems, they are experiencing their own trials and hardships! Why do we glance at someone on the street, and immediately slap a sterotype on them because of their age, gender, religion, race, clothing, ect.?

Do you realize, at all, that when you go to a restaurant with friends, and have a grand old time, and leave an awful mess, that someone has to clean it up? Sure, you may reply, it's their job. Just you wait. Just you wait until you are put into their shoes with a job like that. Do you really want to clean up the refuse and garbage that someone leaves just for you? Of course not! You love it when someone is considerate, and cleans up after themselves. It makes your day seem brighter.

I think I hate stereotypes the most. They can be cruel, demeaning, and incorrect. For exam
ple, too many people believe that all of the people in the Middle East are terrorists, and should be locked up. Uh, they are not all terrorists! They are people! Please, please do not lable them as terrorists because of a select crazy few. Have you ever been in a class where the class was punished as a whole, because of the actions of one or two people? It's kind of like that.

I also loathe gossip. I hate it when I see tongues wagging with rumors about some poor soul. If you ever happen to hear gossip, don't believe it! Go talk to the victim, find out for yourself what their true character is.

Sometimes when I feel desperate, I read John Steinbeck's novels. Sure, his stories are sad, but he truly understood human nature. He shows our nature. When I read his works, I sigh with relief to know that someone else has felt what I feel.

Sometimes my days seem so dark because people let their malicious tongues drip with gossip, people ignore those in need, the strong people (whether it be money, physical, academic, or other strength) refuse to help the weak; rather, they jump at the chance to take advantage of them. People shun others because of their health. The elderly are scorned and ignored, the poor avoided...All of this spins in my head as I hold my breath for humanity. Then I see a stranger hold a door open for an old grandmama as she slowly shuffles her way in.

I breathe again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is what swimmer buds will do to you. Tut tut tut (that sound you make around horses, or when you're disappointed in a little kid(the human kind, NOT the goat kind...although I guess you could do it to them too!))