Thursday, March 23, 2006

Barbie World

First of all, I must confess that I have a secret. I carry around a handy little blue book. It contains my random "essays about nothing whatsoever". More often than not, I put one of those essays on my blog. I'm about to publish another.

"Barbie Land"
(originally written 6-23-04)
That is, indeed, the title of this entry. Quite intimidating. I never truly loved Barbies. I usually ripped their heads off during my childhood. This entry however, has nothing to do with the dolls.
Wherever I walk nowadays, it seems as if the trend is to look exactly like everyone else. I swear, I saw 20-lupets coming out of the mall the other day! (I was going there to look for some cool watches and Beatle shirts at Hot Topic.) They had the same blonde hair, same perfect make-up, same orange tan, same Abercrombie & Watchamacallit shirts, and same jeans by the same brand, and same flip-flops...same, same, gonna drive me insane same!
I wonder if they'll start wearing color contacts so they have the same color eyes! It is very creepy to walk up to someone, say, "hi Jessica!" Only to learn it was, in fact, Megan! Maybe they're really clones. Maybe there's a conspiracy behind this in the long run. We'll never know. Or will we? Everyday it gets worse and every tomorrow gets even scarier. Will everyone, in twenty years, look the same age because of plastic surgery? Will everyone look the same? I might as well give up trying to learn names now, because I will never be able to tell people aparrt in five years. Everyone already looks the same, as well as trying to have the same bright personality! Ack! Sounds like some sick utopia!
Hehe, I hope you enjoyed this... Judging from the date, I just finished Middle School, where it was outrageous how people imitated each other. I know realize that that stage was simply, Middle School. Now that I'm going to a high school, I realize that high school is so much more secure and diverse...(really diverse at the high school I go to! Half of the population's first language is spanish! It's awesome!)


Melissa said...

Maybe we should join the Barbie Liberation Organization.

Nedge said...

LOL!!! Maybe we should!

Brittany said...

I like your little blue book that you carry around. Let's see some more of it! If I recall, there's one you wrote about Michael Jackson that's not up yet...heh