Thursday, January 07, 2016

Dear Students

To my cute (yes, you are all cute) students who have successfully found my blog (I should have never mentioned it, my fault):

Most of the posts you find here (if you ever read them) will be quite boring to you.  You see, in my teen years, I didn't have a cell phone.  MySpace didn't even exist, let alone Facebook. To communicate with friends, I would email them.  Then this new trendy thing started up: blogs.

These posts are basically status updates.  That are really long.  And boring.  You have been warned.

If you are looking for somewhat amusing posts, here are a few (yes, I'll find the embarrassing pictures for you):

The Twilight Post
My First Marriage Proposal

And let this be a lesson to you: stuff you write in the great void known as the internet will come back to haunt you. Think about what you write before you send it out to the void. I obviously didn't do that.

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