Thursday, November 12, 2009

The thing is, I have had discussions with friends about this...

Here is a listing for a class offered at the U next spring:

3900 Star Trek, the Quest to be Human (3) Cross listed as CLCS 3810. Prerequisite: 2000 level requirements. Fulfills Humanities Exploration.
This course will give students the intellectual experience of grappling with the complex question of what it means to be human in the context of pop culture phenomenon that is Star Trek: The Next Generation. The course will be highly interdisciplinary and involve study of wide range of subjects-including child development and attachment theory, psychoanalysis, neuroscience, creativity and the fine arts, disability studies and prosthetics, and cyborg theory-in order to explore the nature of love and loss, empathy and anxiety, and whether one is born human or becomes human.

I'll bet they'll talk quite a bit about Data in that class. Is he considered human? He seems to have the natural curiosity of a human, always wondering what it would be like to be human...


freddyfly said...

If I weren't graduating in a month (gasp! I'm nervous!) I would totally take that class with you! :D

Letty said...

Why am I not surprised?? Soudns like somethign you are goign to enjoy immensely!

mama rhodes said...

I had a class that only explored Tolkeins books. Got to love pop culture!

Brittany said...

Man, sometimes I really miss the U. This is one of those times.