Sunday, July 23, 2006

The Start of Something Not New

Let's start with a riddle: How fast can you guess what Snow White will feed the dwarves next?

Well, I have realized, with the help of several friends, that I am most definitely a person full of randomness. For example, in the middle of a deep conversation, I burst out with some phonetic language. (Check out my archives for January 14, 2006...under the "talking" heading...) Then I move on later to sniff peoples' cell-phones to determine if their scent is left on it yet or not. (If you didn't know, most houses have a distinct unique scent I can guarantee 100% that your house has a scent. If you don't smell it, maybe that's because you've been living there, and you are so accustomed to that smell that it isn't significant to you.) Next time you walk into a friend's house, smell for that scent. It's there.

So, this blog is titled "The Start of Something Not New". Well, it's true. It ain't new. Just the usual random I, myself, I'm here to discuss Conformity: No escaping it. Either you choose to conform to something or not, right? Wrong. You are always conforming. For example, you can conform to wear plaid pants, but if you don't, you are conforming not to conform...Confused yet? No? Dang. So, if you can conform, or you are conforming to not conform.

Next random item on the agenda: Randomness. I have something to admit. I doodle. A lot. I love it! It's the only way to help me listen to lectures, talks, lessons, etc. I have to be doing something. I wonder if that's a disorder. ..(Speaking of disorders, I think I have a disorder where everything has to be in order, or I can't stand it...) Anyway, here are some of my random doodles I did during school:
Clockwise from the top left. The buff winged feller was actually an imaginary hero that I made up in fifth grade. I drew him a lot better then, too. Next: It started out as a hamburger. Then I thought about hamburgers, and what would happen if one attacked you? Third: This started out as a bowling ball, add some eyes, hair, mouth, limbs, and wa-lah! A masterpiece creature. Lastly, this creature started out as a simple snake, add some huge eyes and make the original small beady eyes a nose, some duck-legs, fire, and once again, you finish with something quite magnificent. I was proud of my randomness until a dear friend of mine drew something that I will never forget. It looked something like this: well, my stupid computer won't put it I will describe it, until it works: It was a simple cartoon, and the heading said: "CAUTION: FALLING PEACHES!" It 'twas awesome!


Brittany said...

What's the answer to your riddle?

I like your randomness.

You were rather good at doodling little critters, such as rats and squirrels, in the seventh grade.

I like how everyone's house has a scent. I've always wanted to do an experiment where I have someone blindfold me and drive me to different houses and such to see if I could recognize where I was based on the smell alone.

Joslynn said...

I love your randomness.
I love your pictures. I do the same thing, except everything has fangs.

Joslynn said...

Is it cheating if I answer the riddle, since you already told me the punch line?

Nedge said...

Jos-naw, you can tell us the answer, since it's only Brittany who is puzzled, help her out. ;)

Britt-I never knew you loved there a story behind this love?

Brittany said...

[Now that you mention it,there is a story behind my love somewhere. It has to do with a dear friend of mine, but the memory is very, very vague, so I will work on piecing it together. [[Gosh dang it, why can't I remember?!]] Ugh!]

[Let's hear the answer then. I'm feeling somewhat out of the loop.]

Nedge said...

okay, okay. Brittany, the answer is: [Seven seconds]. Hope you get it! ;) Who was this [dear friend]? blah blah blah.

Joslynn said...

I thought I was the one who got to answer the riddle!!
(Annoying whiny voice)

Nedge said...
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Joslynn said...

I win! I win!