Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Fulfilling my promise

I promised that I will do my best to keep up my blog, even though school has started, and here I am, fulfilling that promise.
I had a significant experience today. Something I had never experienced before, and something I probably won't experience again. Unless I become a tornado chaser. Something I've always wanted to be, though I'm not sure why. Anyhow, back to my experience. It was a normal, sweltering day at my school, and when the final bell rang, I was relieved because I then could walk to the pool and get cooled off. I got cooled off before I even took 30 steps from the school. Then it spotted me and attacked me before killing itself on the school building.
Yes, I was, for the first time in my life hurled (well, technically it hurled itself into me...) into a dust devil. At first I thought it was a gust of wind attacking everyone ahead of me, but I realized there was debris flying in circles everywhere up to 50 feet high!
When it got to me, I realize how silly I was. My first thought was, "My backpack!" I grip my backpack fiercely, refusing to let the wind hurl my precious homework away. Dirt had never hit me so hard. It kind of hurt, but left no marks, so I am not allowed to complain.
Anyhow, how is your school coming along?


Joslynn said...

Holy cow! That's exciting! That has never happened to me, except I have been in a kind of wind tunnel. It happened in 6th grade. It picked me up and slammed me against a fence.
50 feet? Wow!
I did hear the wind howling today, but it only managed to briefly awaken me from my nap. I was slightly afraid for my little glass table outside, as it has no umbrella platform and blows over rather easily.

Joslynn said...

I do not know if you directed the question at me, but I shall take the pleasure from answering it anyway.
My school is crowded. Every corner is jam-packed with people and it is difficult to get to class on time. I am blessed, however, with two wonderful classes. They are called AP research and independent music study (otherwise known as AP recess and practice for 10 minutes then take a nap). Today I laughed hysterically when a friend said the word "doughnut". I think I need more sleep.
Other than that, it's good.
How is Kearns?

Nedge said...

Kearns is swell, as the AP classes are nice and small...I'm enjoying Marine Biology immensely, and I also looove my English teacher, and I have great ideas for new woods projects this year. Seminary is sweet, and swimming is...swimming.
I'm also taking two classes on the EHS...US government, and Photography. Photography is something I've always wanted to do, and I'm learning lots, and I loooove old SLR cameras vs. stupid digital cameras. Why I dislike digital? You don't care what pictures you take, you can delete it anyway. have to think about it. Plus you can override the automatic stuff and do your own settings to make certain things to happen.
My school has one drawback, however, and that it is old and almost nonexisten air conditioning. The students and teachers suffer. I cannot wait for winter!!!
Academically, this year is going to be GREAT! I have an optimistic outlook, as Kearns is a little more laid back and lets me have 7th and 8th off, and call it "home study".

Joslynn said...

Wow! That's amazing...
Plus, you're taking marine biology? That is not fair! Why? Why do I suck?

Nedge said...

you suck because how else do you eat a lollipop or get the water out of the bottle?

Joslynn said...

Or drink through a straw.
What I really meant was, why are Bingham's class options so limited?
Perhaps I should have been more clear beforehand.

Nedge said...

I don't know why Bingham's class options are limited...maybe it's because you have a ridiculous school population? You guys seem to have WAY too many people. So they can't offer cool classes, because then everyone will cram themselves like sardines to get into it. (In Marine Bio, by the way, we only have a comfortable 20 we get to raise our very own shark!!! YESSSSS.)[Sorry I'm rubbing it in, by the way...I shouldn't be rubbing it in to you just the jerks who give me a hard time because I don't go to Bingham, and call me stupid and such.

Joslynn said...

The only stupid you are is stupid-cool (to quote the manager at Lifetime Fitness.)
The only reason I would give you a hard time about not going to Bingham is... because I go there. And you don't. That's it. In fact, I have NO school spirit whatsoever. We had an assembly today, and like a sloth with a bad attitude I sat in my chair and refused to scream V-I-C-T-O-R-Y with all the other members of my class.

Joslynn said...

Is it little? Please tell me it's little...

Nedge said...

Well, We live in opposite environments. No one has school spirit at my school, so I act like an idiot, and since I have all the cheerleader dance moves memorized for the school song, I dance along! ;) What a nerd I am...but I don't care.
Your comment on how you refused to scream V-I-C-T-O-R-Y like everyone else reminded me of the book 1984. You make Bingham sound like some Big Brother, or something.
I don't have the shark yet. I probably won't get it for a while, and once I do, I have to hatch the egg first, if I fail that, I get no shark.
I hate spirit assemblies, but I love acting like an idiot. I probably should've ran to be a Senate SBO. (Not very many people run, and the competition is...not very the people serious about being SBO's usually get to be SBO's. If they don't, they usually end up on the senior class officers anyway.)

Joslynn said...

You should have! That would have been so cool!
You get to hatch a shark egg? I am eternally jealous. That is so cool!
Bingham is the equivalant of Big Brother. He's watching you. Except, it's not Big Brother. It's the vice principals.