Monday, September 04, 2006

In Mourning

Brittanica thought he was a ballroom dancer. Someone that I used to love watching on TV is now dead. Sure, he had crazy hair, and strange outfits, but he had a sweet Australian accent. He didn't die in a very normal way. He was killed by a stingray, whose barb punctured his heart and killed him. So, who is this guy? Steve Irwin. The Crocodile Guy. "Crikey" is what comes to mind.
I'm sure you can find the story of his death anywhere, but if you can't, here it is. Yes, the person who helped me love watching animals and animal documentaries is never going to entertain me again.
The world seems a little bit more empty, as one of the most enthusiastic and exciting people met his match--a stingray.
I guess that's what happens when you decide to choose a hazardous occupation, such as, oh, only playing around with some of the most dangerous animals in the world. Eventually, they show just how dangerous they are.
Of course as you read stories about him, they will start with all the positive things about him and his life, then they will start on the negative, point out all the bad things he has done, the risks and failures. I think the media always tries to leave a bad taste in your mouth.
My favorite memory of him? One year for valentine's day, I used The Crocodile Guy valentine cards. They had radical inscriptions, such as, you guessed it: "Crikey!"
His legend will live on in our hearts, and on tv.


Joslynn said...

We are all a little wiser because of him; he taught us how to escape the jaws of alligators and properly hold poisonous snakes. The world is a little better for his existance, and I am very sorry to hear that he has died.

Brittany said...

That ballroom movie is one of the craziest things I've ever seen. When I heard that the Croc Hunter had died, it was the first thing to come to mind. Tis a crying, blasted shame.

Joslynn said...

When you say ballroom movie, which are you speaking of... Strictly Ballroom?
I was happy to hear that you've both seen it, though only one enjoyed it as much as I.