Monday, February 01, 2010

Are you a nerd or a hipster?

(I didn't really crop the picture because I found it amusing that my Han Solo doll is in the bookshelf, upper left corner.)

I was sitting in one of the hallways in one of the math buildings here at the U. I was enjoying the newspaper, specifically Pearls Before Swine and Robert Kirby, as I was drinking some Pero I had in my thermos. I looked up to see a boy staring at me, and noticing he'd been caught (he was standing 5 feet from me, yeah, I wouldn't notice), he asked me "Are you a nerd or a hipster?" My face must've looked puzzled, because he clarified that my shirt confused him. Here's a bigger image of it: (My shirt does not include the caption.)

I know what a nerd is. But I'm not sure what exactly is meant by a "hipster." I looked it up. The first definition states the obvious,

"A person who is hip."

But the next definition made me laugh. Maybe hipsters and nerds have more in common than I thought:

"a person, esp. during the 1950s, characterized by a particularly strong sense of alienation from most established social activities and relationships."

Feeling an identity crisis, I posted it as my facebook status: "'Are you a nerd or a hipster?'-a boy from one of my math classes." Within minutes of writing it, my coach assured me that I was a NERD!


Got some free time? "White and Nerdy", a parody of another song. Donny Osmond occasionally shows up dancing in the background.


Old Warrior said...

Nipster? Herd? Not quite sure if either hipster or nerd fits....

Rick Edge said...

If you looked up the definition...

Letty said...

hummmm I vote for nerd. Only because you are very smart and witty. I'm not quite sure waht defines "hip".
What was your response to the "boy" in question?

Brittany said...

I really like the picture you added with this post!