Wednesday, January 02, 2008

To Breathe, or not to Breathe: that is the question:

While I'm training down here at Tempe, Arizona, we get to train in a 50 meter pool, instead of a 25 yard pool. The problem with this? My coach loves making us do breath control sets. 50 meters is just a little bit longer than 25 yards.
For part of a set yesterday, we had to put fins on, go halfway underwater, halfway butterfly. Rest for about 15 seconds, push off, and go ALL THE WAY underwater for 50 m. Then you have to climb out, take off your flippers, run to the dive tank, go off the high dive, sprint back in the water, climb out, run back to the pool, put your fins back on, and do it all over again. I made the first total underwater 50. After that, however, on the second 50 where we had to do it all underwater, after about 35 meters, my vision started blacking out. Here comes the question, and I have but a few seconds to decide...

To breathe, or not to breathe: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The dead brain cells due to lack of oxygen,
Or to take that breath against the wish of the Coach,
And by opposing to be punished? To die: to wheeze;
No more; and by a wheeze to say we begin
The heart-ache of thousands more yards to be swum.

Poor adaptation, I know. I have burned hundreds of brain cells over the past few months though. Give me some credit.

So by the time I thought this through, I could see absolutely nothing but darkness and panic. So I came up for a breath of fresh air.

I got kicked out. Had to come back in an hour to swim 2 miles. Whoopee.


Letty said...

Poor natalie! Sorry you have to endure such unpleasant training did the other swimmers do? Did anyone else get kicked out?

Old Warrior said...

Many took breaths and few were swimming. I feel accomplised when i can go 7 strokes between breaths--but that would be enough for you to get across the 50!

Anonymous said...

it seems the Edges are going to lose brain cells by heading soccer balls or not breathng under water or hitting people in football. Since I am by bloodlines a Kayser I don't have to worry about losing brain cells guess mine were not there to begin with.

Rick Edge said...

Hmmm, I seem to remember the Kayser progeny sniffing gasoline at the pump station.
Wow, abby. I've never blacked out, only kind of "dark purpled" out. The longest that I've gone was 75 yards underwater, and that was with a large amount of rest before and after.

Brittany said...

I thought it was good.

Christopher said...

stay tough natalie, if you feel like you are going to black out go ahead and get the breath, I have heard about people dying doing sets like this, I bet your breath control is getting pretty good though by now? only a couple more months so train hard, I want to see a 48 high in your 100!!!!!!!! GO NAT!!!!!!

Lauren said...

I would much rather do the 2 mile swim than not breath. I feel that set is rather dangerous, be carefull!

Anonymous said...

hehehehe very well said. I didn't really think too much about it though. I chose air and the yelling over dying.