*wheeze* (my trademark squeaking breathing sound that I make, typically when I'm swimming breaststroke)
How do Rick, Collette, Emily, and Megan DO this?!
Running is much, much harder than swimming. You never stop. There's no intervals. You just keep going, and going, and going...
At least that's the goal. I had to stop and walk a bit here and there. And I didn't pick a very smart route, won't be doing that again. I thought it'd be smart to make a route that had sugarhouse park at the end of the loop, so if I felt I couldn't do much more, just cut through the park, if I can do more, go around, etc. This route involves running along 13th. For a while. I don't like 13th at 7:30 in the morning. The crosswalks across the entrances to the freeway were almost impassible. By the time I got to the park, I felt spent.
According to the paths I took in the park, I ran about 4 miles. You guys do, like, 8 on a "short" day!!!