Saturday, April 25, 2009

On being cold

So, alone in the house, and freezing. What is one to do? I didn't want to turn on the heater, heat up the entire house for my benefit, one person. I put on warm clothes, and still cold. Look around the house and discover four windows open! Shut those up...still can't get warm.

Open a box of expired kettle corn, pop it, and stick the bag inside my jacket. Ahhhhh! The warm air seeps out the top, warming my face, while the bag itself is heaven.

This is what happens when you're alone in a big house and cold.


Letty said...

Now I know the next thing mom will be doing when she gets off work...maybe dad will find her asleep with an exploded bag of popcorn!

mummy said...

nope-I just turn on the heat, take off the cover of a heat vent, get a blanket and make a tent over the vent and myself and wait. After 45 min I am overheated, hurry to the thermostat, turn it down and dive into the bed. Anyway thats what I do after a night of work, in the day time I get the heck out of the house where it is warm!