Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I'm stuck at the Union because there is a 70 minute break between my math and physics class. So I take that time to eat here, then use the computer for a bit. I was playing around, and found a site that analyzes your responses to questions to see which major would suit you best.

Mine was a tie between two things:

engineering and english. there a way to combine the two?


Rick Edge said...

Technical Writing!
Patent Law!
(on my breaks I tended to gravitate to out-of-the way soft chairs in the library to snooze. Emily found me there one day and woke me up because I was snoring too loudly)

Old Warrior said...

How about teaching other engineering types english? Set up a book review for techy-types?
Or, how about raising well-balanced kids...
I am envious of your talents!

Brittany said...

Ha. No surprises here. The world holds endless opportunities for you, Nat.