Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Just buy one of these

For those of you who have mice problems: buy one of these frogs. I couldn't watch the video for more than a minute, though. I was listening to the song...

*ADDITION* So, dad asked me if this really would happen in the wild. After googling and looking around, I've discovered that these frogs are commonly known as "pac-man" frogs. (I wonder why...) What I found the most interesting was the fact that these frogs digest their prey in their MOUTH. MMMM!
Lara from the site The Hungry Frog Web Page says:

"These frogs can definitely handle mice as a meal but not as a staple diet! I have seen one too many pac-man's being grotesquely over weight b/c there owner ownly fed them mice. Rodents are very high in fat and I would recommend that you only give your frog mice once in a blue moon as a "treat". My frogs would love for me to give them mice all the time but it is really not that heathly for them. My frogs eat mostly fish (very high in calcium)."

I don't know about you, but these frogs in the video seem overweight. They're HUGE!

And to the question whether this really happens in the wild? Well, that's not distinctly answered. Pac-man frogs apparently eat anything that can fit in their mouths, including other frogs and snakes.


Old Warrior said...

mmmm..dumb rodent snacks! I wish the mice in my house were that dim-witted.
How does this happen in nature? Are there places where mice-eating frogs and mice habitats intersect? Or was this just set up to provide some tasties for the amphibians?

Nedge said...

I'm not sure. It had no explanation at the original site...

Tanner's Tales said...

Willie didn't like the video so much...

mad dog said...

Why does one of the chickens have no eyes?

Old Warrior said...

OK--blog title indicates some activity chronicled in the Harry Potter series. Just whom is Nat snoggin?...

Anonymous said...

micah wants to watch it again.

Nedge said...

Tanner's Tales-I totally agree with Willie. These mice are too cute.

Mad dog-that chicken is the chicken version of a "punk" teenager. Do you ever see some teenagers' eyes? No. But that doesn't necessarily mean they don't have eyes...

Old Warrior-you know very well it means "Nat's Noggin." Only meshed together. I like to snarf salt&vinegar chips, though. My tongue is raw. Mayhaps I'll call it "Natsnarfin."

Mama Rhodes-I'm glad one person in the world liked the video. Heh heh! I can see micah liking it. :)

Letty said...

I"ll have to show Oscar tomorrow...ugh I couldn't watch it past the first devoured mouse.

Anonymous said...

I like the tail, its still waving when the rest the body is being digested. Dad left a dead mouse on the basement stairs. As I was headed upstairs I saw it and started screaming and yelling. The first words out of my mouth was Rick you naughty naughty boy! Funny how a stupid little grey mouse dead or alive makes you start inside. Its funny the first things you shout at a shocking suprise

Tanner's Tales said...

Mummy- Wasn't there something about being a "big black barbecue"?

Brittany said...

I hate this video too, but love the song!