Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Devil's Advocate

Yes, I have been called annoying for being the devil's advocate. For some reason, I always feel compelled to look at the other side, the opposite perspective, and see what I can see. I want to be able to see the story from both sides, to gain a broader knowledge of what's really going on in different scenarios, then decide for myself what I think.

For example, in a swim workout I did recently, we had to make sure we went at least 7.5 yards underwater off of each wall before swimming. To be safe, I assumed it was at one of the red markers on my lane-line. Greg confirmed that was where 7.5 yards was. After the first swim, he spread his arms out wide and told me I need to go that much further. So I did. Afterwards he informed me I was going a couple yards further than I needed to. Instead of getting mad, looking back at all the times I really struggled during the workout, wanting air so desperately, my first reaction was: "Thanks! Hey...you should do that more often." Why did I immediately take the perspective of "oh. He raised the standard for me. And I obtained it. Therefore I'm going to be a better swimmer in the long run."? It could have been so easy to get mad and rant about how unfair it was for him to make me work harder than the others...

Why am I like this? I have no idea. I'm pretty sure I got it from such good parents and siblings!


Old Warrior said...

You just assume that, if you need to do something different, it means you need to work harder, do more. I think that many of us assume the other--that we can do less, work a bit less. I think this attitude came with you. Continue to learn to embrace it and grow.

Anonymous said...

The longer I live the more I accept the fact that much of what we are now came with us from beyond. In the next life we will continue to have what we had and what we accumulate here. Progression, progression, progression. The longer I live the more I am so thankful to my Heavenly Father for such good kids and husband to teach me all they already know.

Brittany said...

That's a positive way of looking at things. Were I to play devil's advocate here however...it would appear that you just like to argue. Someone says something, you throw in an opposing view. Eh?

I'm not picking sides here though. It doesn't make a differenct to me either way, because it doesn't change the fact that you tend to see the whole picture. It's who you are, and I love that.

Lauren said...

You probably got it from me, your American Idol.