Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Risks of Shuffling

Instead of listening to songs in any logical order, I like to shuffle them on my ipod and listen to whatever may come next.
As I was driving in the dark, I realized that shuffling your songs is risky.

The Jolt: If you're listening to a slow and pensive song that ends with 10 or more seconds of almost complete silence, you're putting yourself at risk for "the jolt." It's inevitable that someday after one of those quiet songs, a loud note or intro of the next song will jolt you out of your seat!

The guilt-trip: My ipod automatically uploads everything from the itunes library on the family computer. So, once in a while a conference talk will come up. Now I'm on a guilt trip...I really want to skip it, but what if it came up for a reason? Maybe I'm supposed to listen to I wait out the 15 minutes, so I won't have a guilty conscience.

The blush: Sometimes you have unplanned trips with your friend. The first thing they hear when you turn on the car is some crazy random song that you just love, but they look all queer, and express outloud, "you listen to Monty Python's Spamalot?!" Clay Aiken is worse, though. Or Evita. Or....

Those were the only ones that came to my mind. I think I'm going to think about this some more. Or you could just tell me some other risks.


Brittany said...

I've had embarrassing experiences with shuffle before. I guess it would fall into the "blushing" category. Haha. I like this post. It's so true!

Lauren said...

Natalie, you would never have to blush if I caught you listening to Clay Aiken. After all, I'm the one who clay-verted you! :)