Have you ever had those horrible days when you just want to hit yourself in the head over and over and over and over?
Yes, it's only 1:28 in the afternoon, but this day has already been very awful.
I wake up and go to practice, as usual. Good ol' coach Greg has made the kick circuit even harder, upgrading it to phase four. So I was very, very pooped by the end of practice, because we all know I'm not exactly the best kicker on the team. I ask Greg about the possibility of him giving me a workout to do on Friday in the morning so I don't have to drive all the way up there to work out right in the middle of the day (2-5). He gives me a dirty look and asked me what I could possibly be doing from 2-5 on a friday. Family! Gosh! Maybe I'll try talking to him tomorrow, only to give up and work out there from 2-5 on friday. Grr.
I walk over to the burb to study, since the chemistry lab lecture was canceled today.
Then I walk to my Chemistry "discussion," where we supposedly "discuss" things, except my TA is never there on time. Most of the time he's 20 minutes to a half-hour late. He was there early, passing out our graded exams from chemistry. That's the one good thing that happened today. I did very well, with my highest score ever on an exam in that class. Then the TA passed out some quizzes. Oh, joy. I'm never quite up to beat in chemistry and discussions, so I didn't know anything on the quiz. I really should have elected the no-quiz option so quizzes won't count...but I didn't. And these quizzes count.
Then I thought, "hey, today is Tuesday! There's no math class today because Tuesdays are review/discussion days for the weekly assignment, and there was no assignment for this week." So I fell asleep, deep, deep, happy sleep.
...Only to wake up in horror to remember something. Because of the upcoming Thanksgiving weekend, the midterm for math was moved to today. I missed it.
The horror! The horror! How in the world could I have forgotten that? 15% of my grade is gone. Ugh! Arrrrr!
And we were just told to bring snorkels for dryland.
I could really use some encouragement. I thought about asking my math teacher if there was anyway to make up the test, but do I really have a reasonable excuse? "hey teach, I was taking a nap and forgot all about the test today. So...could I make it up somehow?"
I'm going to be sad if my grades are bad, because that means I'll be stuck at study table for the rest of my life.
Study table ain't that great. There's a fire alarm that self-tests itself every 35 seconds. Yes, I timed it. It is that loud and that annoying. The athletes here don't really study. Just talk loud and make lots of noise. I turn off my hearing aids, so don't worry.
I feel like a stupid incompetent idiot today. I can't wait to eat some turkey and yams on Thursday.
(ugh! arrrr! I'm so mad and sad!)
Have any of you guys done stupid things like me?
first--great job on the chem test. Next--yes-ask the math prof how to make up the test-send him an email right now, or ask first chance tomorrow--worst can happen? he could say "no", and you are where you are now.
Friday-don't sweat it-we will have plenty of time together. I have to work part of the day--my best efforts to be off stink, so...sometimes I hate being in a boss job! Have to make sure everything is taken care of. yes, we all do stupid things, have stupid days--chalk it up to life, find something to chuckle at, and realize that most of it is NBD, and ready yourself for the next day!
Thanks for being such a good kid and example to us all. Turkey and yams soon!
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Ah, abby. I guess that you are human after all.
Great job on the chem test - dad said you got an 83%! Nice.
Yes we have all done stupid things. I missed a docket date at work a couple months after starting in Pullman. I had a day before I could tell my boss, and in that day I had planned out what we would do - open a bakery, get some job somewhere - who knows?
I'd say you need to march to your provessor first thing tomorrow and tell him that you missed the exam, and would hope to be able to make it up somehow. Good Luck!
Nat--I went to my organic cham proffesor for help and bawled because I was on the bubble. We didn't know if I could get back in the game enough to excell in the class. That was definetly a bad day for me. And the pro. thought I was stupid for taking the class and having a part-time job at the same time. I wonder if any athletes have ever passed his class!
I am so sorry Natalie! Don't worry, we all have our moments - it's what helps us learn. Here is a "hug" from me to you!
Happy turkeeeeeeeeeeeee day!
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