Tuesday, June 19, 2007


The following story related is true:

I arrived at work today around the usual time, 4:45. Then my swim-lesson-teaching-boss Heather finds me, and drags me into the "cave." (Her office, and my other boss's office.)
"Nedge, I've had a complaint about you."
(I'm looking a little concerned, but nothing more...I assumed she was talking about Chanyaka, a kid that doesn't want to do anything, but is terrified of the water, and has ripped out fistfuls of my hair...I finally just dropped him and made him "bunny hop" all the way back to the wall. [The water was only chest deep. Don't worry. He was FINE.] He drove and drives me insane.)

"A parent called and started ranting about how they drive all the way from South Jordan to take swim lessons here. She's very disappointed with the teacher of her daughter, though. And that's you."
(A daughter?...So it's not Chanyaka? Who have I offended now?)

"Apparently you're teaching all the strokes just fine. But she started ranting on how her daughter is upset because you never seem to listen to her."
(Duh! I can't hear anyone in the pool unless I'm looking at them!)

"And I said, 'Let me explain something to you about Nedge: She's almost deaf. In order to get her attention, your daughter needs to tap her, or make sure Nedge is looking at her.' The mom went dead silent. I could just see the look on her face: the wide-opened gaping mouth, the face that says, 'Oh, great. I just blew it.'"

Heather and I laughed. And got back to work.

Never judge situations until you know all the details. :)


Lauren said...

Good thought at the end. Too often I judge, just like that mother. Shame on me!

I think I'm infatuated right now.

Staples said...

Oh my lanata.... Akward.... I am sorry. So lauren is infatuated...uh huh. I think we all know who with... We should do something on saturday during the day cause i work at night.

Letty said...

That is hilarious! I can just imagine the mom...there are a few around our area who are very outspoken! Too funny!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laugh!